Saturday, May 24, 2008


Best wishes to you all from Mrs. M. for a wonderful summer. 
To the 8th graders who are moving on to High School, remember this:
Aim high, believe in yourself, take one step at a time to achieve your goals. and remember to keep in touch!  I will miss you!  You are wonderful kids and very special to me!

To keep your music reading skills strong over the summer, I recommend all choir students spend time on the Lessons and Trainers in the following site.  If you do this you will be in GREAT shape musically when school starts in August.  Another fun site to sharpen your musical skills is



On May 17th the NV 7th and 8th grade Mixed Choir traveled to Cincinnati, Ohio to compete in the Music in the Parks Festival.  We are pleased to announce that we were selected for the prestigious "Esprit de Corps" award out of over 40 bands, orchestras, and choirs. This coveted award is given to an orgainzation which displays an exemplary attitude of positive support and outstanding personal behavior.  It spotlights the performance of the students throughout the festival as they demonstrate their highest level of responsible behavior. Personal Integrity, quality character values, a desire for excellence and a spirit of cooperation serve as the cornerstone qualities of this award.

Not only did we win the "Esprit de Corps" award, but we placed 2nd in AA Middle School Choirs in the vocal competition. There were organizations from Kentucky, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana in the competition.

We would like to express our gratitude to the parents and staff members who went along and helped make this such a successful day for us.

Adam Evans is 1st Falcon Idol

Adam Evans, Northview 6th grader won the 1st ever "Falcon Idol" singing competition held on May 9th in the NV gym.  The event was sponsored by ASA WoW Recording Studio, BMG Event productions and Harlow & Co. and was a fundraising effort for Showchoir Camps of America Scholarships.  Congratulations to Adam who won an hour's worth of recording time to make his CD at ASA Wow.  Thank you to everyone for coming out to support this effort.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Making Music Videos

If you are interested in making music videos, take a look at this. Sorry, it only is for ages 7 - 12, but maybe some of the 6th graders and/or younger brothers and sisters would be interested. Go to..

The 8th Graders and Mrs. M take a bow...


May 5th Monday - 4:00-5:30 Practice for Side by Side Concert with North Central Kings Court

May 8th Thursday - Those participating in Side by Side will attend Counterpoints Spring Show at 4pm, pizza afterward, rehearsal, and then 7 - 8pm performance with King's Court Singers at North Central Auditorium.

May 9th Friday - FALCON IDOL SINGING COMPETITION Northview Gymnasium. Come support your favorite! $3.00 admission. Consessions available.

May 17th 5:45 am - 9:00 pm KINGS ISLAND TRIP