Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Holiday Concert

Who: Grades 6, 7, and 8th Grade Choirs
What: Holiday Concert
When: Tuesday December 9th  7:30-8:30pm (Attendance to be taken at 7:15 pm)
Where: Northview Auditorium
Why: Because we LOVE to be on the Stage and Entertain you!  
Dress:  Choir t-shirt, BLACK pants and tennis shoes.  No big jewelry or "clanking" bracelets.
Admission: $1 Donation or new unwrapped toy for RTV6 Toy Drive suggested.

For 7th and 8th Grade Choir Students

For Gaudeamus Hodie and I'm Goin' There,  go to,  then click on Part by Part.  Make sure you scroll down to three part mixed and you can click on your individual vocal parts for practice.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fund Drive Information

Fund Drive Products will be delivered to Northview Tuesday, October 28.  All students should be prepared to take their boxes home (some of you will need your parents to come help you out.)
All money is Due by November 11th. 

Friday, October 3, 2008

Choirs Under Construction Concert Canceled

I am sorry, but the Choirs Under Construction Concert originally scheduled for October 7th is canceled due to Mrs. Miedema's foot injury and surgery.  

Fund Drive will continue.  Brochures are Due October 7th.  Students should either take their brochures directly to Mrs. Ohly-Davis, Orchestra director or give them to the substitute who will put them all in an envelope and give them to Mrs. Ohly-Davis.  No money should be turned in until product delivery.  While Mrs. Miedema is out, questions regarding Fund Drive should be directed to

Friday, August 22, 2008


The students in the  Northview Choral Department have been working hard on rhythms, checking vocal ranges, learning warm up songs, Freedom songs, and beginning to look at repertoire for our Choirs under Construction Concert which will be held October 7th.  Calendars, Choral Handbooks and t-shirt order forms have been sent home.  (Please send in orders no later than September 19.)  
We have GREAT kids in the Northview Choirs. 

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Best wishes to you all from Mrs. M. for a wonderful summer. 
To the 8th graders who are moving on to High School, remember this:
Aim high, believe in yourself, take one step at a time to achieve your goals. and remember to keep in touch!  I will miss you!  You are wonderful kids and very special to me!

To keep your music reading skills strong over the summer, I recommend all choir students spend time on the Lessons and Trainers in the following site.  If you do this you will be in GREAT shape musically when school starts in August.  Another fun site to sharpen your musical skills is



On May 17th the NV 7th and 8th grade Mixed Choir traveled to Cincinnati, Ohio to compete in the Music in the Parks Festival.  We are pleased to announce that we were selected for the prestigious "Esprit de Corps" award out of over 40 bands, orchestras, and choirs. This coveted award is given to an orgainzation which displays an exemplary attitude of positive support and outstanding personal behavior.  It spotlights the performance of the students throughout the festival as they demonstrate their highest level of responsible behavior. Personal Integrity, quality character values, a desire for excellence and a spirit of cooperation serve as the cornerstone qualities of this award.

Not only did we win the "Esprit de Corps" award, but we placed 2nd in AA Middle School Choirs in the vocal competition. There were organizations from Kentucky, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana in the competition.

We would like to express our gratitude to the parents and staff members who went along and helped make this such a successful day for us.

Adam Evans is 1st Falcon Idol

Adam Evans, Northview 6th grader won the 1st ever "Falcon Idol" singing competition held on May 9th in the NV gym.  The event was sponsored by ASA WoW Recording Studio, BMG Event productions and Harlow & Co. and was a fundraising effort for Showchoir Camps of America Scholarships.  Congratulations to Adam who won an hour's worth of recording time to make his CD at ASA Wow.  Thank you to everyone for coming out to support this effort.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Making Music Videos

If you are interested in making music videos, take a look at this. Sorry, it only is for ages 7 - 12, but maybe some of the 6th graders and/or younger brothers and sisters would be interested. Go to..

The 8th Graders and Mrs. M take a bow...


May 5th Monday - 4:00-5:30 Practice for Side by Side Concert with North Central Kings Court

May 8th Thursday - Those participating in Side by Side will attend Counterpoints Spring Show at 4pm, pizza afterward, rehearsal, and then 7 - 8pm performance with King's Court Singers at North Central Auditorium.

May 9th Friday - FALCON IDOL SINGING COMPETITION Northview Gymnasium. Come support your favorite! $3.00 admission. Consessions available.

May 17th 5:45 am - 9:00 pm KINGS ISLAND TRIP

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring Update

Auditions for Falcon Idol - April 22, 23, and 24th 4-5:35 pm in Choir room

Spring Sing Concert - Tuesday April 29th in NV auditorium. Choir shirt and black pants required. Concert begins at 7:30 pm. Attendance taken at 7:10 pm.

May 9th at 6 pm NV Large Gym FALCON IDOL! Come cast your vote for your favorite! Winner gets one hour recording time in professional studio.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Update, March 28, 2008

Congratulations to the Northview "Singers" 6th grade choir students who received a GOLD rating at the ISSMA contest on March 15th. There were three judges and each gave us a gold rating!

Kings Island- All balances are due April 8th for 7th and 8th grade students participating in the Music in the Parks Festival May 17th at Kings Island. Statements were sent home with the students.

Remember, April 29th is the annual "Spring Sing." All choirs will be performing. Our convocation is during the school day followed by a 7:30 pm Concert. Attendance is required.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


As indicated on the Northview Choir Calendar, the sixth grade choir will be performing at ISSMA contest on Saturday, March 15th, 2008. This contest is held at Northview.

Here is the schedule:

8:45 am students arrive at NV and report to the choir room A106 where we will start physical warm-ups and lining up.

9:05 am we will walk to the LGI to begin our official warm up time

9:30 am performance in the SMALL GYM. Students will be released after the performance.

Parents are welcome to watch the performance in the SMALL GYM. I am sorry, but parents are not allowed in the warm up rooms. I could use some parental assistance at 9:05 in walking the students from A106 QUIETLY to the LGI.

Results will be posted by the Media Center shortly after the performance. Students will need to have rides ready no later than 10:15 am. Please plan to pick up your child at Door 5 North. Students are not allowed to stay and wander around unsupervised. If you and your child want to watch the other choirs, you are very welcome to do so.

Dress: Black Northview Singers shirt or plain black t-shirt and black pants. If you have dark shoes, that would be best.

Attendance Policy: REQUIRED performance. We need everyone’s effort. Northview Choir Concert attendance policy which was sent to you earlier this year is in effect.

Open House

The 7th grade choir will be singing at Open House on Tuesday night, March 11. I have asked that they report to me no later than 7 pm. They will sing at 7:15 in the Student Center. They will sing 3 short songs, and then are dismissed to either go home or attend the Open House with you.

I'd like them to wear their Choir t-shirts. For this performance, jeans are ok.

February Activities

Congratulations to the following students who went to ISSMA Solo and Ensemble Contest in February and received a GOLD rating:
Marcea Mcguire, Danielle Garrett, Virginia Warner, Madelyn Ladig, Abigail Klingsmith, Kristen Mack, Emma Wynne, Alexandria Mohr.

Also, the Ensemble consisting of Virginia Warner, Madelyn Ladig, Abigail Klingsmith, Kristen Mack, Emma Wynne, Alexandria Mohr performed at the MSDWT Honors Recital at North Central High School February 26th. These girls did an EXCELLENT job of representing Northview.